WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today released her weekly video address to West Virginians. Senator Capito discusses joining a bipartisan coalition of 12 Senators to reintroduce the Campus Accountability and Safety Act. This bipartisan legislation will protect students and professionalize the response and reporting of sexual assault at colleges and universities.  Senator Capito also shares her disappointment with President Obama’s veto of the bipartisan Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act, especially in light of last week’s train derailment in Fayette County. 

Watch the video here:  http://bit.ly/1wDZyLr


Weekly Video Address to West Virginians, Feb. 27, 2015:


Hi, I’m Senator Shelley Moore Capito and this is my weekly Senate update.


I’d like to update you on two important issues that drove my week here in Washington.


First, I joined with 11 other senators to introduce the Campus Accountability and Safety Act.


This legislation will protect students and professionalize the response and reporting of sexual assault.


Earlier this month, West Virginia University launched a campaign called ‘It’s On Us’ to prevent sexual assault and change campus culture among its students, faculty and staff. The response to that program has been overwhelming.


The WVU campaign complements ‘Living the Green Dot,’ a national campus-based campaign against all interpersonal violence.


Having volunteered at a rape crisis center on a college campus, I have seen firsthand the toll this terrible crime takes on our students and their friends and loved ones.


I am proud to join this bipartisan coalition and take clear steps to help those in West Virginia and around the country affected by sexual assault, to educate campus personnel to respond compassionately, and to strengthen law enforcement response.


Second, I was really disappointed with the president’s Veto of the Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act.


The president’s veto is discouraging, especially in light of the recent train derailment in Fayette County. Last week's crash illustrates why pipelines are a viable and safe alternative to ship our energy resources.


Later this month, the State Department is expected to release its final report on the Keystone XL pipeline, and the president will have the chance to reconsider this needed project.


If President Obama is serious about standing up for America’s middle-class families and jobs, I urge him to reverse course, approve this critical, bipartisan project and get behind a more responsible energy policy.


For the latest news from my office, please visit my website at www.Capito.Senate.gov.

