WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W.Va. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today welcomed President Donald J. Trump to West Virginia for a roundtable discussion on how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and other Trump administration economic policies are benefiting West Virginia workers, families, and small businesses.

“It’s no secret that West Virginia has seen some tough times. We have felt the consequences of misguided and tone-deaf policies that damaged industries and communities across our state, but in the past year, we have seen a transformation,” Senator Capito said. “We have also seen renewed optimism among workers, small business owners, and folks who frankly had pretty much given up hope. That all changed with the Trump administration. We finally have an administration that believes in an all-of-the-above energy policy, pro-growth reforms, and legislation like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that will move our state forward. I’ve heard so many stories about how the Trump administration’s policies are helping West Virginians, and I was so happy to hear even more at today’s roundtable.”

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