WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today released a statement regarding an interim report released by the president’s Commission on Drug Addiction and Opioid Abuse. The report endorses several of the solutions Senator Capito has championed, including increased funding to support substance abuse treatment, educational requirements for doctors and expanded access to medication-assisted treatment.

“The opioid epidemic that is devastating West Virginia and other communities deserves the attention of the entire nation,” Senator Capito said. “I was particularly pleased to see the commission’s report cite Jessie’s Law as a way to ensure medical professionals have full knowledge of their patient’s previous opioid addiction when consent is given. I support this bill because it will save lives by helping medical professionals make better decisions when treating patients and prescribing medication.

“While we have made progress in combatting this epidemic, there is still more work to be done. This report demonstrates the severity of this problem and offers solutions that can help us build on the momentum we have created. I applaud the president for forming the commission and look forward to continuing our work together to end this epidemic.”

Senators Capito and Manchin re-introduced Jessie’s Law in March. She has also led the fight to maintain critical resources for fighting the opioid epidemic through the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). 

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