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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today joined FOX News’ Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino on “America’s Newsroom” where she discussed the Republican COVID-19 relief proposal. Senator Capito and nine other Senate Republicans unveiled their proposal yesterday ahead of meeting with President Joe Biden to discuss the package in more detail.

Full text of the ten Republican Senator’s COVID-19 relief proposal is available


“It was a productive meeting and I think that anytime you’re in the room together, you’re negotiating, you’re talking about areas of common interest – the speed in which we get relief. We impressed upon the president that we’ve had five COVID relief bills that we’ve been able to pass bipartisan up to this point, and we feel very strongly that we need to have voices at the table that talk about our common areas. So, let’s pull the extraneous out of this bill and try to keep within a guideline of targeted relief.”

: “[President Biden] was open to suggestions of targeting individual checks to folks in the lower and middle income area. Our like areas of vaccine and testing [funding], we’re all in the same boat here. We did try to impress upon the president that we thought the quicker way to get this would be through a bipartisan package, where we have common areas. I think he was amenable to listen to that.”

: “I think that being fiscally responsible is the way that we should look at this, and making sure we’re taking care of the folks that are really hurting.”

: Here is where I think the bottom line is – I think this starts the conversation with us that will carry through into other things. For that, I feel really good. I do think that we need to work on this COVID [relief package] together as we have in the past. Let’s hope that the meeting last night had an impression on [President Biden].”

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