05-05-2020 Morning with Maria PLAY

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today appeared on FOX Business’ Mornings with Maria to discuss the Senate’s upcoming business and the economic impacts of the coronavirus.

ON THE SENATE BEING BACK IN SESSION: “We’ve got great precautions here at the U.S. Senate… We’ve got a lot of things to do here. I mean, tomorrow, we’re going to be hearing about the aviation industry and the impacts of the coronavirus on that. And, certainly with the news recently—huge impacts on aviation… So I think we’ve got lots to do here. We’ve got other bills that are moving forward, plus our nominations and judges. This is all important work.”

ON STIMULUS SPENDING: “This is another reason for us to be back—so we can assess the impact of the CARES package and other issues that we’ve put forward to try to help to see where there’s more help that may be needed. But, where also, now that people are beginning to go back to work, the economy can begin to slowly pick up, that we need to—I think—assess and just not keep throwing money at a problem that we know exists, but we’re not sure it’s solving the problem. So, I think, this is a good time to be at our jobs, looking at the programs, making those judgements, and getting good testimony at the same time."

ON LIABILITY PROTECTION: “As we gradually open, somebody is going to become infected one way or the another. And, is it through the fault of the business? No. I think it’s because the spread is still there, we know it’s still going to be there. And, I think we have got to get liability protections forward. It’s just a necessity for private facilities and public facilities.” 

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