02-06-2020 Bill Hemmer PLAY

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today appeared on FOX News Channel’s “Bill Hemmer Reports” to discuss her vote to acquit President Donald J. Trump.


LISTENING TO WEST VIRGINIANS: “I’m here in West Virginia. I’ve driven probably 300 miles and stopped several different places today. And overwhelmingly, the people of West Virginia are like, ‘Thanks for your vote. Great vote.’”

UNFAIR PROCESS: “I don’t think that you can remove a president from office, or even think that it is even partway towards justified when all the president is asserting is that the courts should decide the issue of executive privilege or a dispute between the legislature and the executive. To me, that is—and you can see—all Republicans agreed with that.”

HISTORY BOOKS: “When this goes in the history books, our children and grandchildren—you know what, I’ve got children and grandchildren, too—I want to be in the history books as saying that I’m not going to remove a president from office on these very partisan, very flimsy, very unprepared charges that came forth from a very partisan process on the House side.

MOVING FORWARD: “We’ve been through—really—a process that’s really ripped the country apart over the last three weeks. We need to join together and work on drug pricing and infrastructure, and all of the things—when I was out today eating at a restaurant—that’s what people want us to do. They want us to do what’s good for the country. I do think, in the Senate, we’re used to the pushes and pulls, and very difficult decisions and sharp disagreements. I do think we’ll be able to find common-ground.”

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