WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today appeared on FOX News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto where she discussed the impeachment process and the situation in Iran.

01-09-2020 Cavuto

To watch the interview, click here or the image above.

ON ELMINATION OF TERRORIST QASSEM SOLEIMANI: “I definitely think the president did the right thing, and I think it was very justified.” 

PRESIDENT SHOULD HAVE OPPORTUNITY TO DEFEND HIMSELF: “We have to hear the Articles presented by the mangers of the House. We need to see the president’s defense. We haven’t heard that. He hasn’t been given the right to make a defense for himself over on the House side. We need to hear that.” 

SAME SETUP AS CLINTON IMPEACHMENT:We are going to have questions that we are going to offer—just like what was done in the Clinton impeachment trial. When we get to that point, then we’re going to vote on witnesses.” 

WAITING ON PELOSI: “We’re in a waiting game now with some kind of weird strategy that the Speaker has employed. We’re kind of hung up right now, waiting for her to send those over to us so we can begin acting on them.” 

WORK TO DO: “We have a transportation bill that was worked through my committee that I worked very aggressively on that needs to be done by September 30. There are plenty of things on our plate that we should be and could be doing.”


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