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WASHINGTON, D.C. – This morning, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), vice chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, joined Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria” to discuss the Biden-Harris administration’s new plan to overhaul the Supreme Court and anti-Semitism.


ON THE BIDEN-HARRIS COURT PACKING PLAN: “I think this just smacks of arrogance, in my view. You don't like a decision, so you are going to change the court? That is not how it works here… I think obviously, the court has lifetime appointments for a reason: it's to ride out political storms of different presidencies and different majorities in the House and the Senate, different policies. It is supposed to be interpreting, which it does very well, our Constitution. They just don't like the way the last several decisions have come down.’”

ON THE RESTORING CIVILITY ON CAMPUSES ACT: “I think we saw at the end of the school year where our colleges and universities were coming up extremely short to protect Jewish students on campus to ensure their safety, to make sure they can actually attain the education that they were paying for and that they are living on campus to attain. And I questioned [Education] Secretary Cardona in my committee… They hadn't even been up to Columbia University, which was, at that point, the eye of the storm. And so, what we want to do through this bill is to make sure there is more transparency, to make sure that these actions are addressed immediately, and that anti-Semitism cannot be allowed to foment on university and college campuses the way they were last spring.’”

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