WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today helped advance three additional FY2019 government funding bills: the Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations Act; the Interior, Environment Appropriations Act; and the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act. As a leader on the Appropriations Committee, Senator Capito helped secure resources that will help support important West Virginia priorities. All three bills were approved by the committee with overwhelming bipartisan support.
“From my first days in the U.S. Senate, I have focused on improving West Virginia by advocating for resources that will drive economic development, improve access to broadband, and fight the opioid epidemic,” Senator Capito said. “These priorities and many others are addressed in the bills we passed through the committee today. These critical resources will also help West Virginia businesses, universities, law enforcement, and the many federal facilities who call West Virginia home. I’m proud to be in a position to make sure West Virginia’s needs are well taken care of, and I’ll continue to advocate for our state as the appropriations process moves forward.”
The FY2019 CJS bill includes: 

  • Anti-opioids funding in the amount of $482.5 million, an increase of $36 million over the FY2018 enacted level. The funding will support a variety of efforts—including drug courts, heroin task forces, local law enforcement grants, and resources for drug enforcement prevention. In 2017, $1.4 million was awarded to West Virginia through the Department of Justice (DOJ) to assist local drug courts.
  • Full funding for the Economic Development Administration (EDA) with an encouragement for the EDA to continue to focus on broadband expansion in rural areas. Since 2015, more than $21 million in EDA funding has been directed toward West Virginia.
  • Increased funding to address the Sexual Assault Kit backlog.
  • An increase in funding for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants, which have been widely awarded throughout West Virginia to support state and local law enforcement.
  • Funding to support the operation of federal facilities with a presence in West Virginia including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in Clarksburg, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Fairmont, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) in Martinsburg.
  • Support and funding for continued exploration at the Green Bank Observatory.
  • Funding for research through NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support and encourage universities, researchers, and students at all grade levels. Researchers at West Virginia higher education institutions have received more $2.5 million through NSF so far in 2018.
  • Support for numerous Department of Justice (DOJ) grant programs—including those under the Violence Against Women Act, juvenile justice programs, programs to combat the sexual assault kit backlog, COPS anti-heroin grants, and other grants for substance abuse and rehabilitation services. These programs are critical for West Virginia law enforcement officials who are on the front lines fighting the opioid epidemic. Thanks to a 2017 award through the COPS Hiring Program, the Cabell County Sheriff’s Office was able to hire additional officers.
  • Funding for the STOP School Violence Act.
  • Support for NASA’s IV&V Center in Fairmont and $180 million for the RESTORE L mission at NASA.

The FY2019 Interior, Environment bill includes:

  • No increase in funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help ensure the agency is focused on its core mission of environmental cleanup.
  • Funds that benefit counties and local governments such as the PILT program, the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds, and grant programs that help states implement environmental regulations.
  • An emphasis on deferred maintenance at National Parks as a funding priority within the National Park Service.
  • Proposed increases for the National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities, which will benefit numerous festivals, cultural programs, and historical initiatives across West Virginia. 

The FY2019 Legislative Branch bill includes:

  • Increased funding for the Capitol Police—both for personnel and equipment—to help keep the Capitol complex safe for members, staff, and visitors.
  • A continued freeze in funding that prohibits Members of Congress from receiving a cost-of-living adjustment in FY2019.


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