Click here or the image above to watch Ranking Member Capito’s opening remarks.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S.
Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee held a legislative
hearing to examine the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act."
Below is the opening statement of Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), as
prepared for delivery:
“Thank you, Chairman
Carper, for calling today’s hearing.
“I also want to thank
Senators Heinrich and Blunt for attending along with our witnesses, and I look
forward to hearing from each of you.
“I appreciate that the
Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) is represented today.
“Just recently, I
toured the Oglebay Good Zoo in Wheeling, West Virginia, which is accredited
by the AZA.
“The Good Zoo houses 20
species that are deemed rare or endangered and its staff are doing valuable
work on research to inform conservation of these animals.
“Speaking of zoos, here in
Washington, the administration and Congress should pursue bipartisan policies
to preserve our nation’s public lands, wildlife, and ecosystems.
“Our environment, our
natural resources, and access for sportsmen are legacies we have been entrusted
with safeguarding for future generations of Americans.
“Today’s hearing is
focused on legislation introduced by Senators Heinrich and Blunt, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, and I thank them
for their advocacy.
“The bill has broad
support on both sides of the aisle, as well as support from the stakeholder
community, including hunters and anglers, conservation organizations, and
“I am eager to learn more
about the legislation through today’s hearing.
“As I understand it, the
goal of the Recovering America’s
Wildlife Act is to provide funding to states to carry out conservation
efforts that will recover species as well as prevent listing additional species
under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
“As part of this
discussion today, I want to emphasize, for me, the importance of state-driven
“Conservation is most
effective when led by state and local entities, in cooperation with voluntary
efforts by private land owners.
“These are the people that
know their habitats, communities, and local economies best.
“Recovering America’s Wildlife Act provides each
state the flexibility to tailor their conservation strategies to meet its
specific needs.
“West Virginia is home to
1,233 species of greatest conservation need.
“With state-driven
efforts, the unique needs of each of these species can be addressed through
conservation efforts that will help recover declining populations.
“As I do when I evaluate
all legislation under consideration by the Committee – my focus will continue
to be providing states with the flexibility to addressing their unique needs
and circumstances.
“As introduced, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act relies on revenue
collected from environmental-related violations and enforcement actions to help
address its cost.
“As I understand it, the
bill will still result in $14 billion in direct, mandatory spending over a
ten-year period.
“I think this is an issue
that we need to consider against the background of the growth of our debt and
deficit during the pandemic response, especially in light of the $4 trillion
package that has been introduced and is under consideration.
“We also need to consider
how effective any new conservation efforts will be if the administration
continues to pursue its rollback of sensible ESA regulations, which may serve
to actually undermine investments in conservation.
“In particular, I am
deeply concerned with Fish and Wildlife Service’s revisiting of changes made to
implementation of the ESA under the previous administration.
“These rollbacks will set
us back in achieving our conservation goals by increasing costs and burdens of
doing the right thing.
“Specifically, the
decision to rescind the 2020 regulation defining the term ‘habitat’ for
purposes of designating critical habitat under ESA.
“Leaving ‘habitat’
undefined creates uncertainty for private landowners on whom species recovery
“In any discussion on
conservation, I believe it is important to address the need for common sense
reforms to the ESA.
“Cooperation with states
and landowners is key for species recovery.
“Under the ESA, we should
ensure that we balance the interests of Americans and their livelihoods with
protecting species facing population declines.
“I look forward to today’s
discussion on proactive wildlife and habitat conservation solutions.
“And I thank you again for
holding this hearing, and I thank my fellow senators for being with us today.”
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