CHARLESTON, W.Va. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and West Virginia Governor Jim Justice (R-W.Va.) today welcomed White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx to West Virginia. During the visit, Senator Capito, Governor Justice, Congressman Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.), and Dr. Birx participated in a roundtable discussion on West Virginias response to the COVID-19 pandemic.   State and local leaders, as well as medical professionals, educators, and others involved in the state’s pandemic response participated in the discussion.

As the Coronavirus Response Coordinator, Dr. Birx has played an instrumental role in the government’s efforts regarding COVID-19. Today’s visit was part of a series of visits Dr. Birx has been making across the country to hear from states about their COVID-19 mitigation strategies.

“It was great to have Dr. Birx here with us today in West Virginia where we had the opportunity to hear from her directly on how the Trump administration is working to address the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Senator Capito. “Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have stressed the importance of providing targeted relief and resources to the areas of the state that need them the most. I’m thankful for Governor Justice and his administration’s leadership during this difficult and uncertain time, which has demonstrated that West Virginia can to come back stronger. As we continue to reopen safely, it’s important that we continue closely monitoring statistics and make sure that resources are in place so that we mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our state, especially as our schools prepare to reopen this fall.”

“It was an absolute honor to have Dr. Birx join us today to discuss all the ways that we are working alongside the Trump Administration and the White House Coronavirus Task Force to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in West Virginia and across the entire country,” said Governor Jim Justice. “The way that this team has continuously adjusted to this invisible enemy to keep all of us safe has been incredible and they are owed a debt of gratitude by every American. In West Virginia we have worked to follow their lead, remaining ready to pivot at all times, and have achieved some incredible results. We were the last state without any positive cases of the virus, while being the first state to order the full testing of all nursing homes and assisted living facilities. We have safety reopened our economy and are doing the same with our schools. These successes would not have been possible without strong leadership from West Virginians like Senator Shelley Moore Capito, who are doing everything under the sun, as we are, to make sure our state is able to recover and come out of the pandemic stronger than ever.”


On February 26, 2020, President Trump designated Vice President Mike Pence as the point person for the United States’ response to the coronavirus outbreak. The next day, the vice president announced that Ambassador Deborah Birx would serve as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator. Dr. Brix is a world-renowned global health official and physician and joined the White House Coronavirus Task Force with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Last week, Senator Capito joined Governor Justice, Congressman Alex Mooney, and Congresswoman Carol Miller (R-W.Va.) for a roundtable discussion with Vice President Pence in White Sulphur Springs. During the discussion, Senator Capito updated the vice president on West Virginia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and successful relief efforts within the state. The group also discussed additional relief measures needed and the coming steps in West Virginia’s reopening plan.

Photos from the roundtable are included below:


Dr. Birx 1

Senator Capito and Dr. Birx talk about West Virginia’s COVID-19 response at the Governor’s mansion in Charleston.

Dr. Birx 2

Senator Capito speaks with West Virginia Coronavirus Czar Dr. Clay Marsh and Dr. Bill Ramsey of WVU Health.

Dr. Birx 3

Senator Capito pictured with Dr. Birx.

 Dr. Birx 4

Senator Capito participates in roundtable discussion with Governor Justice, Dr. Birx, and Congressman Mooney.

 Dr. Birx 5

State and local leaders, as well as medical professionals, educators, and others involved in the state’s pandemic response participated in the roundtable discussion as well.


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