WASHINGTON, D.C. –U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), chair of the Senate Appropriations Homeland Security Subcommittee, this weekend led a trip with Senator John Boozman (R-Ark.) to several sites along the Pacific coast and U.S.-Mexico border responsible for various homeland security efforts. The senators were accompanied by U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Commandant Admiral Karl L. Schultz, as well as Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel. 

“The men and women protecting our borders continue to serve admirably and effectively, working to keep Americans safe and secure,” Senator Capito said. “Being on the ground with the brave agents of Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement and onboard with the men and women of the Coast Guard made me even more appreciative of the work they do every day to protect our border, enforce the law, deter violence, and stop drug and human smugglers. It was an honor to meet with them and learn how my committee can better serve them and their missions.  It is taking a combined and sustained effort by agencies within Department of Homeland Security, including the Coast Guard, CBP, and ICE, to wage the battle against drugs coming into our country.” 

“One of the top priorities of the federal government must be to secure our border. Seeing first-hand the challenges that we face in controlling illegal immigration, human trafficking and drug smuggling will help us create and promote policies and provide resources to fight these crimes. Our Border Patrol and air interdiction agents, ICE officers, field operations officers and Coast Guard men and women are on the frontline of this battle. I was grateful for the opportunity to show my appreciation for their sacrifice and hear how we can help them accomplish their mission and keep them safe,” Senator Boozman said. 

Earlier this year, under the leadership of Senator Capito, the Homeland Security subcommittee passed a bipartisan border security funding bill which included $1.6 billion for a border wall system as requested by  President Trump. Read more about the legislation here.


Senators Capito and Boozman visit USCG heavy icebreaker Polar Star in Oakland, California.


Talking with USCG Captain John Driscoll and USCG Commandant Karl Schultz.


Senators Capito and Boozman view border wall prototypes with CBP Chief Rodney Scott.


Senators Capito and Boozman learn more about the work of CBP and ICE along the border in San Diego.


Senator Capito visits the Rio Grande with CBP agents.

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