HAMLIN, W.Va. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today made stops in Hamlin at the Lincoln County Primary Care Center and the Lincoln Emergency Medical Services (EMS). During each visit, Senator Capito had the chance to hear directly from local leaders and medical professionals about how the coronavirus has impacted service and how the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has helped keep local employees and employers connected during this time.

“Communities like Hamlin have done an incredible job overcoming the challenges presented by the coronavirus, and today’s visits were confirmation of this,” Senator Capito said. “Additionally, both medical facilities were recipients of PPP loans, which have helped them support their workers during this time, collectively saving nearly 200 jobs. The medical professionals at Lincoln County Primary Care Center and Lincoln EMS have stepped up and gone above and beyond during this pandemic. I’m incredibly grateful for all they’ve sacrificed during this time.”

Additionally, Lincoln County Primary Care’s application for a $967,304 telehealth grant was approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which Senator Capito announced in May. The funding will allow health care professions to provide services remotely to COVID-19 patients. During today’s visit, Senator Capito was able to learn more about how this grant would help Lincoln County Primary Care Center serve more West Virginians.

Photos from today’s visit are included below:



Senator Capito learns more about Lincoln Primary Care Center’s telehealth initiatives.  



Senator Capito meets Lincoln EMS Director Trish Watson.


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