WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today concluded a week-long congressional delegation trip to Poland, Italy, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Spain. In addition to Senator Capito, the delegation included Senators Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), John Boozman (R-Ark.), and Representative Tim Walberg (R-Mich.). At a number of stops throughout the week, Senator Capito had the opportunity to meet several West Virginians serving in the Armed Forces overseas.

“Having the chance to speak directly with leaders from United States, as well as other countries, about military operations and needs provided my colleagues and me with a better understanding of the challenges that face our country and our allies. It also confirmed that President Trump’s military strategy is working,” Senator Capito said. “After visiting some of these regions previously and some for the first time, I understand the potential national security threats that exist, and it is critical that we continue working together to combat terrorism and maintain our strong partnerships with our allies. I was also glad to have the chance to meet and personally thank West Virginians serving overseas. Meeting our service members was truly an honor, and I am more grateful than ever for our troops and the sacrifices they make to keep us safe. I value opportunities like this to personally thank them for their service to our nation.”

During the trip, the delegation met with U.S. troops, military officials, and diplomatic leaders to discuss ongoing military operations, military construction needs, foreign military sales, intelligence sharing, and maintaining strong relationships with allies abroad.

Photos from the congressional delegation trip are included below. Click here to view and download additional photos. 

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Senator Capito and the delegation are briefed on Army prepositioned stocks in Kuwait.

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Senator Capito speaks with service members assigned to Operation Inherent Resolve. 

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Senator Capito and members of the delegation meet with leadership from Operation Inherent Resolve to discuss the ongoing military operations in Iraq and Syria.

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Senator Capito meets with a member of the U.S. Army in Djibouti.

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Senator Capito poses with a West Virginia service member from McDowell County.

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