MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today visited the Morgantown Municipal Airport where she met with airport leadership to learn more about their initiatives, followed by a tour of the airport to view improvement opportunities.

One of the primary focuses of Senator Capito’s visit was to highlight recent grants for the airport, such as several that Senator Capito announced to support the airport’s runway extension project. The airport’s current runway length, which is the shortest for commercial carrier airports in the state, limits the operational capabilities for those entities that currently operate at the airport. Senator Capito has consistently advocated for funding to support this project and recently secured grants in April and July of this year.

“As the city of Morgantown continues to grow, it is essential that the capabilities of the Morgantown airport improve as well. Earlier this year, I announced multiple grants to support a major runway expansion project that will benefit the entire Morgantown community—including WVU and the local economy. Today’s visit was informative and allowed me the opportunity to see firsthand how funds I’ve worked to secure at the federal level are being used and what challenges lie ahead of the airport and how we can work together to make these necessary improvements,” Senator Capito said.


The City of Morgantown is preparing to begin construction on a 1,001-foot extension to the runway at the Morgantown Municipal Airport, bringing the total length of the runway to 6,200 feet. The project is estimated to take at least five years to complete at an estimated cost of $50 million. Major construction activity is scheduled to begin in the winter of 2020. The goal of the runway extension project is to enhance and modernize the airport’s facilities to maintain current operations, recruit new business and improve safety at the airport.

The runway extension provides a direct benefit to West Virginia University and will support the continued growth of the university, its partnerships, and the local economy. Tied together this will be one of the most significant economic development projects in the history of the city.


In April, Senator Capito announced $7,777,778 to the extended runway project. This funding was made available through the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP), which received additional funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). Specifically, the funds will be used to enable the acquisition of property, design, and beginning of construction.

In July, Senator Capito announced additional funding for the project totaling $1,902,000 from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to support the design phase of a runway extension project.

During today’s visit, Senator Capito had the chance to see firsthand the progress that’s been made at the airport thanks in part to federal grants like these, and also viewed the priority areas of the airport that still need improving.

Photos from today’s visit are included below: 

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Senator Capito tours the Morgantown Airport runway where the extension project will take place. 

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Senator Capito and Director Vrabel view areas of the airport in need of funding for future improvements.

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Senator Capito and Director Vrabel pose for a photo following the visit and discussion.

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