WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, today voted against Janet McCabe, the nominee for Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Brenda Mallory, the nominee for Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), during today’s committee meeting.

“While I appreciate Janet McCabe and Brenda Mallory’s willingness to serve, I cannot support their nominations due to the concerns I have about their policy vision as it relates to West Virginia and our country,” Ranking Member Capito said.” As I’ve said many times before, the Obama-Biden administration instituted sweeping regulations that crushed West Virginia’s economic foundation without considering the real-world impacts those policies have on hardworking families and their communities. Both Janet McCabe and Brenda Mallory served in politically-appointed leadership roles in that administration, while also supporting this regulatory agenda that devastated my state of West Virginia. That agenda means putting Americans out of work through executive actions like canceling the Keystone XL pipeline, and rolling back commonsense regulations that protect our environment while keeping our economy moving. It means promising the world that America will double down on reducing emissions while countries like China and India get a free pass. My opposition to Janet McCabe and Brenda Mallory is based in a fundamental difference of opinion I have with them about the right direction for our country. Because of their lack of commitment to oppose the policies that have and would economically devastate West Virginia and communities across this nation, I could not vote to support their nominations.”

Earlier this month, Ranking Member Capito had the opportunity to question Janet McCabe and Brenda Mallory during their nomination hearing. Click here to watch her opening remarks and here to watch her questions for both witnesses.


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