WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution introduced by U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) congratulating the University of Charleston men’s soccer team for winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Men’s Soccer Championship at Swope Soccer Village in Kansas City, Missouri on December 2, 2017. The Senate passed the resolution by unanimous consent.

“I am beyond thrilled for the young men and coaches of the University of Charleston soccer team for winning the Division II National Championship and making West Virginia proud,” said Senator Capito. “As the mother of a former college athlete, I have seen the hard work and dedication that is required of student athletes. Balancing education and athletics is no easy task, and these young men have shown that they can do just that and thrive at the top level. It is my pleasure to congratulate the Golden Eagles and the entire University of Charleston community for winning their first-ever National Championship!”

“Like so many West Virginians, I was thrilled when University of Charleston men’s soccer team won the national championship in December,” Senator Manchin said. “Their dedication made us all proud and with this resolution, their accomplishments will be further recognized and remembered for years to come.”

“The accomplishments of the 2017 University of Charleston men’s soccer team are truly historic. For four years in a row they were in the final four, and this season they ultimately prevailed to win the first-ever national championship for the university. They went through the national tournament without allowing a single goal. They won accolades as the soccer staff of the year, the sports information staff of the year, and national player of the year. And year after year they are an academic All-American team. The team is a true tribute to the university, the capital city, and the state of West Virginia,” said Dr. Ed Welch, President of the University of Charleston.

To read the resolution in its entirety, click here

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