WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) spoke on the Senate floor this afternoon in support of The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act. Below are her remarks as prepared for delivery:

“Mister President, I rise today to discuss The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act.

“I am proud to join with my colleagues to co-sponsor this important legislation, and I applaud Senator Cornyn and Senator Klobuchar for putting forward this bipartisan bill.

“The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act is a call to action.

“We’ve heard a lot of discussion about it on the floor here over the last several days.

“The horrible crime of human trafficking impacts thousands of Americans – mostly women and children – each year. It occurs in cities, suburbs and rural towns.

“We cannot allow this horrendous crime to continue.

“Last year, I hosted a forum at West Virginia State University to discuss how we can combat human trafficking.

“The event featured law enforcement, advocates, academics and state lawmakers.

“I also supported several bills when I was in the House of Representatives to further this fight and end this vicious crime.

“There is nothing more monstrous than the sexual exploitation of a human being – especially a child.

“We must stand up for those voices who have been silenced and say no more.

“While not in large numbers, trafficking occurs in West Virginia’s small communities and towns.  In our hotels and at our truck stops.  At our schools and online.

“Several things contribute to trafficking in the Mountain State - our interstates, high poverty and unemployment rates, and the drug epidemic to name a few.

“I am working in a bipartisan way with Senator Joe Donnelly to address this drug epidemic, but we must also say no more to this shameful crime.

“The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act will make it easier for law enforcement to identify and address patterns of human trafficking.

“The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act takes a needed two-prong approach.

“It bolsters the tools available to law enforcement to crack down on human traffickers - and - helps victims restore their lives through increased federal resources.

“We need to care for our sons, our daughters and our neighbors – and keep our eyes and ears open.

“This is not a Republican or a Democratic issue.  It’s a human issue.

“Now is the time to stand up and say no more to human trafficking.

“Now is the time to show broad support for these victims and punish traffickers to the fullest extent of the law.

“This bill has gone through a very transparent process. It was carefully considered and unanimously approved in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“It has been available for every Senator or member of the public to read for months. And, earlier this week each and every Senator consented to consider this bill on the Senate floor.

“It has widespread support from 200 advocacy groups, including the NAACP, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Rights 4 Girls, National Association to Protect Children, Fraternal Order of Police and the National Conference of State Legislatures.

“The innocent victims of human trafficking have suffered enough.

“Now is the time for us to join together, pass this legislation and take a significant step to end this crime.”
