Click here to watch Senator Capito's weekly address to West Virginians.

Weekly Address to West Virginians

June 5, 2015

Hi - I'm Senator Capito, and this is my weekly Senate update.

Last week I had the opportunity to travel throughout West Virginia and meet with job creators, elected officials and people from all corners of the state.

One thing I heard consistently was the need to do something about our roads, bridges and highways.

I couldn’t agree more.


This month I will be working with my colleagues to pass a long-term highway bill that will provide the certainty needed to improve our transportation infrastructure.


Another top priority of mine is improving our broadband infrastructure in West Virginia.


Last week I launched my Capito Connect Plan for improving broadband access in West Virginia.


Capito Connect is a roadmap for bringing affordable, high-speed internet access to every home, business and classroom in West Virginia.


I encourage all West Virginians to read the Capito Connect Plan and contact my office with your comments on how we can improve connectivity and get our economy growing.


Lastly, this week I continued to promote my legislation to roll back the president’s proposed Clean Power Plan.


The ARENA Act enables us to fight back against the assault on coal, and the broader threat to affordable, reliable energy nationwide.


With a wave of recent layoff notices by two of our largest coal companies – and the closure of three coal power plants just this week – our coal industry is hurting. 


This is why I am leading the charge in the Senate against the Clean Power Plan’s sweeping regulations.


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