WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today released a video update on her Capito Connect Plan following the conclusion of a statewide listening tour focused on collecting input and ideas for improving broadband connectivity in the Mountain State.

“The most common themes we heard during the listening sessions were issues with broadband access, speed and affordability. We also received a number of comments about the need for more competition and public-private partnerships,” says Senator Capito in the video. “These comments will be very useful as we evaluate the next steps for connecting West Virginia.”

Over the coming weeks, Senator Capito and members of her staff will carefully evaluate the input received from West Virginians in all corners of the state and announce next steps for the .

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Capito Connect Video Update

August 26, 2015

“Hello – Senator Shelley Moore Capito here.

“If you are watching this video on your computer or mobile device, you likely have good access to broadband and high-speed Internet.

“What you may not know is that 56 percent of West Virginians lack fundamental access to broadband services.

“In rural areas of our state, this number is as high as 74 percent.

“High-speed internet is a pillar of our twenty-first century infrastructure and a gateway to economic growth in rural America.

“This is why I launched my Capito Connect Plan – to bring high-speed Internet access to every home, business and classroom in the Mountain State.

“Along with this plan, my staff recently concluded a two-month long listening tour and received very helpful input from the sessions held in nearly every county in West Virginia.

“The most common themes we heard during the listening sessions were issues with broadband access, speed and affordability.

“We also received a number of comments about the need for more competition and public-private partnerships.

“These comments will be very useful as we evaluate the next steps for connecting West Virginia.

“As we continue to look for solutions at the federal level, I encourage all West Virginians to keep sharing their ideas for improving broadband.

“This is no small task in a rural state like ours, and it will not happen overnight, but by putting our heads together and thinking innovatively we can seize the potential broadband has to offer.

“For the latest news on my Capito Connect Plan, and to contact my office, please visit www.capito.senate.gov.”
