WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) introduced a bipartisan resolution honoring the goals and ideas of American Education Week. The resolution urges the people of the United States to observe American Education Week by reflecting on the positive impact of all those who work together to educate children.

“Knowledge is a powerful tool and a resource everyone deserves access to. As the mother of three children who are products of our local public schools in West Virginia, I saw firsthand how hard the teachers, administrators and staff worked to create a safe environment for students to learn. Let’s celebrate public education this week by honoring and thanking those who have played such an influential role in so many lives,” said Senator Capito.

“American Education Week is an opportunity for us to reflect on and celebrate our public education system and those who do the hard work of educating our children,” said Senator Baldwin. “I am excited to celebrate its 95th anniversary this year.”

November 14 through November 18th, 2016, marks the 95th annual observance of American Education Week which is an opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are working in public education.

A copy of the resolution is available here.
