To watch Senator Capito’s full floor speech, click here or the image above.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today delivered remarks on the Senate floor where she discussed the death of George Floyd and West Virginia’s efforts to safely and successfully reopen.

ON GEORGE FLOYD’S DEATH: “It is clear that our entire country is united in horror and opposition to the violent killing. Racal discrimination has absolutely no place in this country whatsoever. This senseless murder is unacceptable and those responsible should be held accountable. I’m anguished at the death of George Floyd. I’m anguished at the violence that we are seeing all across our streets today.”

ON VIOLENT RIOTS AND LOOTING: “There is no question that we must do our part to change racist attitudes that unfortunately exist today, and this must be done in a peaceful way. Looting and violent riots are not the way to do this, and it’s not the way to honor George Floyd or those that are protesting peacefully, which is the great majority of people.”

ON KEEPING COMMUNITIES HEALTHY: “By hindering the spread of the disease and allowing for businesses to remain open by following the guidelines will aid our economic recovery as well. Most Americans understand that there is no way to choose between public health and a strong economy because you cannot have one without the other. We can’t have a strong economy if we are not protecting people from becoming sick. And, we will not be able to make the necessary long-term investments in public health if we don’t have a strong economy.”

ON WEST VIRGINIA REOPENING: “I am very proud of the way that we have pulled together during this crisis and addressed these challenges. The progress reflected by the statistics are only possible because our state’s residents followed the guidelines. I want to thank all of the medical professionals, the first responders, and front line workers who have gone far beyond the call of duty to protect public health and keep our communities running during this most difficult time.”

Senator Capito launched a page on her website to help bring current and accurate information to West Virginians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click HERE to access the webpage for the latest updates and resources. 

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