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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, delivered remarks on the Senate Floor regarding the need for the U.S. Senate to craft a supplemental in response to the historic national security challenges that face the United States and our allies.  

Yesterday, Senator Capito participated in a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing to review the Biden administration’s national security supplemental request. Senator Capito also spoke on the hearing and the need for Senate-crafted supplemental at the Senate Republican Leadership press conference.

Senator Capito’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, are included below:

"Mr/Madam President —

“I rise today to address this chamber at an increasingly important moment in our nation’s history, to discuss the national security issues that we are currently facing and ways in which the United States Senate needs to address them.

“On this floor over the past several weeks I have repeatedly called for American leadership, in support of our allies abroad, and in support of the challenges we are facing at home.

“Again today, I renew the call for American leadership and continue to stress the urgency created by the trials at hand.

“From the vicious horrific attacks on our allies in Israel by Hamas, to Putin’s aggression in Europe. From North Korea’s brazen nuclear posturing, to Iranian militias attacking our men and women overseas. And of course, the increasing tensions in the Indo-Pacific, where China continues to threaten stability and pursue the largest military buildup since World War II. 

“We are currently living in times, and are tasked with making decisions, that will greatly shape the world that we live in. Our nation is being tested. Our resolve is being tested and a country as powerful as ours needs to respond with the strength, clarity, and control that only the United States of America can generate.

“This is something that I address repeatedly with my constituents across West Virginia and something that I am confident they understand. The Mountain State is incredibly patriotic, we are proud Americans.

“Pride in our country and a steadfast belief in the ideals and values that we stand for is invaluable, both now and in the future.

“I agree with my fellow patriotic West Virginians, this is the greatest country on Earth, and that title requires us to make critical investments in both our national security and in the security of our allies, before it is too late.

“It is imperative that Americans across our country recognize this and that we come together as our adversaries attempt to turn us against one another.

“I am appreciative of the Biden administration proposing a supplemental appropriations package that addresses key areas of concern across our country and world. That being said, the administration’s supplemental request needs to be recognized for exactly what it is – a request.

“The Senate must and will have a say in this.

“The Biden Administration has not shown the strength it needs to during these challenging times. We need to unabashedly stand with Israel, responsibly support Ukraine as they further deteriorate Putin’s military, strengthen our allies and our own defense capabilities in the Indo-Pacific, and make strong changes to policies that have allowed our southern border to remain in chaos for years now.

“Any response from the Senate must reflect these four categories – because they are directly tied to what is in the best interest of our country and our national security.

“Yesterday, I participated in a Senate Appropriations hearing to examine President Biden’s request. This was an important step and will allow us to grow consensus as we move towards a supplemental that is crafted by the Senate.

“I firmly believe this was among our most important Appropriations Committee hearing all year. This hearing highlighted how investments into the defense of Israel and Ukraine go a long way in strengthening our own defense capacities, and how the lack of deterrence and enforcement at our southern border is creating elevated threats to our national security.

“This further underscores the importance of responsible relief efforts that need to be included in a response from the Senate. It is critical that a Senate-crafted supplemental address all four areas that I have mentioned, and that we provide the tools needed for our allies to win, and to strengthen our own defense capabilities in the process.

“Israel is currently under attack by Hamas and Hezbollah, terrorists that are supported by America’s most evil adversaries. American lives have been lost, and far too many innocent families have been left without a home or without their loved ones.

“Ukraine is facing an unjust and unprovoked ground war the likes of we have not seen in generations. Putin’s aggression creates danger all around the globe. The Ukrainian military is decimating Russia’s military strength without putting American troops in harm’s way.

“Additionally, funding towards Ukraine goes straight into replenishing our own stockpiles with new and advanced weapons. These are weapons made in the U.S.A. for the U.S.A., some of which are made in my home state of West Virginia.

“Our Indo-Pacific allies remain on heightened alert. I saw this directly when I visited the region this summer. It is irresponsible to neglect the tie between the attacks on Israel, and the war in Ukraine, to the security of Taiwan and the increasing aggression from China.

“And, our southern border remains in chaos. President Biden’s policies have led to record after record of illegal crossings, with an alarming increase of encounters with individuals on our country’s terror watch list.

“We do not just need funding for a border wall, we need substantial changes in policy that will strengthen our security and protect our homeland that has been left under siege for far too long.

“It’s important that Congress and the American public recognize the importance of support across these four categories. This investment will support our defense industrial base, increase the security of the United States, support our allies in their time of need, and most importantly, keeps U.S. service members from fighting in these battles.

“Each of these categories is in the direct and best interest of the United States, the security of our homeland, and the security of our allies. There is no doubt that now is the time to act.

“If we fail to meet our obligations in any four of these areas, we weaken the overall impact on all of them. I’m confident in the ability of this chamber to craft a supplemental that meets the growing and urgent national security needs of our country and world.

“The time for American leadership is now.

“With that – I yield the floor.”

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