FCC Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), a member of the Senate Commerce Committee and co-chair of the Senate Broadband Caucus, today questioned members of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about roadblocks to accurate broadband mapping data at a committee oversight hearing. 

“We’ve had numerous hearings on [broadband] mapping,” Senator Capito said. “The data that you all generate doesn’t match with the anecdotal data that we see in our communities. I think this is universal on the committee. So we joined together—I did with Senators Schatz, Moran, and Tester—to introduce the Broadband Data Improvement Act.” 

Senator Capito introduced the Broadband Data Improvement Act (BDIA) last month to improve the accuracy of broadband coverage maps and better direct federal funds for broadband buildout; and during questioning today, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai voiced his support of Senator Capito’s efforts. 

“We need to understand where broadband is and more importantly where it isn’t to target those resources,” Chairman Pai said. “I support the purpose of your legislation, and I understand our staffs have been in touch. Consistent with the announcement I made this morning, we would look forward to working with you as we try to make those maps more granular, more accurate, and ultimately, more useful to the commission and, of course, to you.”  

For a video of Senator Capito’s questions, click here

The Broadband Data Improvement Act is the latest in a series of efforts Senator Capito has led to improve access to affordable, high-speed internet and better connect communities in West Virginia and across the country. Through her Capito Connect program and committee assignments, she has been involved with numerous solutions at the federal level to promote and encourage the collection of accurate data to improve coverage maps. Additional information on her most recent efforts is available here

For more information on the BDIA, click here

For a one-pager explaining the BDIA, click here

Legislative text is available here


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