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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) delivered remarks on the Senate Floor about President Biden’s $6.8 trillion budget proposal. In her remarks, Senator Capito points out the expanded taxes in the proposal, and how it exposes the true priorities of the Biden administration.

During a Senate Republican Leadership press conference yesterday, Senator Capito also discussed the misplaced priorities displayed by President Biden’s budget, particularly in regards to illegal border crossings and the addiction crisis.


LATEST EDITION: “This project is just the latest edition in his tax-and-spend agenda. It also fits the standards my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have set, by passing inflation-causing, deficit-raising legislation, like the Inflation Reduction Act, and the American Rescue Plan.”

GOOD NEWS: “This budget has no chance of becoming law, and that is the good news here and great news for our constituents back home. This misguided proposal would saddle American families with more taxes, more waste, more debt, and more government intrusion that our constituents just do not deserve.”

TAXES, TAXES, TAXES: “We’re looking at taxes on small businesses, capital gains taxes, corporate tax rate goes up, taxes on American energy, retirement taxes go up, the Medicare tax would increase, and the personal income tax would go up to the highest level in decades. What President Biden fails to realize is, the brunt of his tax hikes would be felt by those who own, invest in, or operate small and medium businesses.”

IGNORING THE BORDER: “We all have priorities. President Biden has made it clear that securing our southern border is just not one of his priorities.”

NEED FOR MILITARY SUPPORT: “Now's not the time for us to delay much needed modernization and reinforcements, that we've put ourselves on a pathway for the last several years. Now's the time to invest in the advanced capabilities and the industrial base capacity that we expect to need for our future.”

DISREGARD FOR ADDICTION CRISIS: “Presents Biden’s proposed budget summary lacks a sense of urgency around this epidemic and the fentanyl crisis. A crisis in my state…my state has been disproportionately impacted by this. In the budget summary, fentanyl is only mentioned twice, opioids mentioned four times, but climate change is mentioned 42 times – 42!” 

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