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NEW YORK, NEW YORK – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) joined CNBC’s Squawk Box this morning to discuss the United States’ support of Israel in the face of terrorist attacks from Hamas, as well as government funding.


STRONG SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL: “We had a briefing last night—all senators briefing—and both of our leaders, Senator Schumer, Senator McConnell, were very strong in what we think is almost unanimous, maybe not quite unanimous, support of Israel. I think that we will immediately address what their needs would be, also certainly looking after the Americans that are still there to make sure that we're doing all that we can do and be supportive of that. I would expect, once we get back, that we will have a broader discussion with Israel, and Ukraine, and the border being a sort-of three prong supplemental.”

AMERICAN LEADERSHIP: “I think there's going to be a realization by the public and others. You know, I'm from a small state that's very connected to Israel, even though we don't have a large Jewish population. We have a lot of Christians that are very much involved, and have traveled to Israel many, many times. So I think that just brings us onto a larger stage, and hopefully people – but we have to explain it. I mean, you can't just assume that people are going to realize that we need to be the superpower that we are, and with that comes obligations. So I think that's going to be incumbent upon us to bring that voice.”

SETTING PRIORITIES: “I'm on the Appropriations Committee, and I think that you know, the deal that was struck in March actually did pull back on spending, not hugely, understandably, but at least a step in the right direction. I think it's about a matter of setting priorities, and so I think that as we look at our own homeland security, our security at the border, it's all tied in together. I think we have to, maybe, relook at our priorities in terms of, you know, cutting is always hard. But I think that's what we're going to have to do in order to get a hold of the debt, the deficit.”

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