Alzheimer's Floor Speech

– U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), spoke on the Senate floor to outline efforts she is leading to help individuals living with Alzheimer’s, their caregivers, and the many Americans facing a future diagnosis and to share her personal experience with the disease.
“Like so many Americans, I have felt the impact of this disease. I lost both of my parents to Alzheimer’s disease … and I understand the difficulties that caregivers and families have as they’re trying to figure out how to face this difficult challenge,” Senator Capito said. “There is not a book that has been written yet that can tell you what to do when a loved one is diagnosed because each case is different, and there is no magic formula. But I feel strongly that we can do much more to help our caregivers, to ease the pain of those who suffer from this disease, and most importantly, to find a cure.”
Senator Capito recently invited Dr. Marie Bernard, deputy director of the National Institute on Aging at the National Institutes of Health, to the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute at West Virginia University in Morgantown and also discussed that visit during her remarks.
“We spent the day learning more about the innovative and groundbreaking work being done there, and Dr. Bernard shared with the institute’s faculty, students, and staff the opportunities increased funding can offer to this field of research at West Virginia University,” Senator Capito explained. “Hearing the passion in Dr. Bernard’s voice for the work she has dedicated her life to and seeing the excitement and hope in the eyes of the students who listened to her and the young researchers—well, that was proof to me that we are making progress and an illustration of the will and determination that exists to continue making progress.”
For a video of Senator Capito’s remarks, click here.


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