12-05-2019 Varney and Co PLAY

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today appeared on FOX Business where she spoke with Stuart Varney, host of Varney and Co., about the Homeland Security Appropriations funding bill, impeachment, and legislative items being ignored, such as USMCA. 

As chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations subcommittee, Senator Capito worked hard to pass her Homeland Security funding bill—which included President Trump’s request for $5 billion for the border wall—out of the Senate Appropriations Committee. 


HOMELAND SECURITY FUNDING: “We have it through the Senate in a bipartisan way. We have $5 billion, which was the president’s request of a border wall system—it’s not all just wall. It’s electronics and surveillance that comes along with it. The problem is…on the House side, they keep wanting to handcuff the president.” 

IMPEACHMENT: “President Trump has had this thrown at him since the day he was elected—verbally and with things introduced on the House floor. That just shows you the willingness of people to subvert our strong Constitutional values to get a political gain and to bruise him up before the November election.”     

LEFT BEHIND LEGISLATIVE AGENDA: “Why don’t we have USMCA? That makes sense for everybody. It will go through both houses and benefit everybody, small states and large.”


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