Click here to watch Senator Capito's Weekly Address to West Virginians.

Weekly Address to West Virginians
May 15, 2015
Hi - I'm Senator Capito, and I'd like to update you on this busy week in Washington.
On Wednesday, I introduced legislation to roll back President Obama's so-called "Clean Power Plan," which threatens to drastically reduce coal-related jobs and increase energy prices.
The Affordable Reliable Energy Now Act enables us to fight back against the assault on coal in West Virginia, and the threat to affordable energy nationwide.
The bill creates a state opt-out to protect ratepayers and reliability. If a governor determines that a plan would negatively impact economic growth, the electricity system, or increase rates, states can opt-out of the plan.
If EPA wants states to meet certain requirements, it should be able to show a path to get there.
The Affordable Reliable Energy Now Act will be the principal vehicle in the Senate to roll back the Clean Power Plan.
It ensures reliable and affordable energy, puts jobs and our economy first and curbs federal overreach.
I am determined to move this legislation through the Senate and pleased to have the support of my colleague Senator Joe Manchin.
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