CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Today, U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W,Va.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), and Representatives David McKinley (W.Va.-1), Alex Mooney (W.Va.-2) and Carol Miller (W.Va.-3) applauded President Biden’s approval of the federal disaster declaration for the February 10-16th winter storm that impacted Cabell, Lincoln, Mason, Putnam, and Wayne Counties. The delegation sent a letter on April 16th to President Biden calling on him to approve the federal disaster declaration request.

“Unless you have spent time in our state, it’s impossible to understand the extent of the damage these storms can create in our mountains. I’m so thankful for the efforts of local leaders, first responders, and the West Virginia National Guard for their speedy response to this crisis. I’m glad the administration has listened and approved our request for a federal disaster declaration, which will go a long way in assisting in recovery efforts,” Senator Capito said.

“President Biden’s approval of the winter storm disaster declaration will provide much needed help to West Virginians and our communities impacted by the February storm. This is good news for our state, and I thank the Biden Administration for providing the support we need to heal our communities after this disaster,” said Senator Manchin. 

"The approval of this disaster declaration will provide critical resources to counties who were hit the hardest by the winter storms. I thank the Biden Administration for approving Governor Justice’s request,” said Congressman McKinley.

“I’m glad Governor Justice’s request for this federal disaster declaration has been approved. This federal aid will provide the counties impacted by the severe weather conditions this February with the resources they need. I thank the first responders’ dedication to helping keep our communities secure amid these harsh winter conditions,” said Congressman Mooney.

“The approval of this disaster declaration is welcomed news for southern West Virginians who felt the brunt of February’s severe winter weather,” said Congresswoman Miller. “My district was hit particularly hard by the storms, and I know the federal resources unlocked by this approval will be put to good use to help in our ongoing recovery. I thank the Biden Administration for fulfilling Governor Justice’s request.”

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