WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote today on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, pro-growth tax reform legislation that President Donald Trump recently described as “vital to the American people.” The bill—which the Senate is also expected to vote on early this week—will provide tax relief for middle-income families, help small businesses grow and create new economic opportunities across the country. And West Virginians agree.
As Congress prepares to vote on sending tax reform legislation to the president’s desk, manufacturers, small businesses, conservatives, news outlets and groups representing a wide variety of industries important to West Virginia are sharing their support. 
West Virginia Chamber of Commerce 
Federal tax reform is crucial to continued job creation and economic development in West Virginia. This effort is a real win-win. By making tax rates more competitive, small businesses will be able to reinvest in growing their operations and creating more jobs, and individuals will be able determine how best to spend their hard-earned money, further stimulating economic growth.” – Steve Roberts, president of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce 
West Virginia Manufacturers Association
“Manufacturers large and small know this reform would mean more jobs in America, more investment in America and more men and women making things in America. West Virginia manufacturers are grateful to the Senators who stood with us and voted for tax reform aimed at creating a more competitive manufacturing environment. The current tax system is hurting workers in West Virginia. Our elected leaders now need to seize this opportunity, get tax reform across the finish line and send it to President Donald Trump’s desk.” – Rebecca McPhail, president of the West Virginia Manufacturers Association
National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
“Both [the Senate and House] versions [of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act] recognize the need for small business tax relief, which means businesses could reinvest in their businesses and employees, create local jobs in rural and urban areas of West Virginia … We can’t afford to miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity to help Main Street businesses grow and create jobs.” – Gil White, West Virginia state director of the NFIB 
West Virginia Business & Industry Council 
“Senator Capito, Congressmen McKinley, Jenkins and Mooney deserve our thanks for voting for federal tax reform legislation. This legislation, born of compromise and study, will have a significant fiscal impact on the lives of state residents and West Virginia businesses.” – Chris Hamilton, chairman of the West Virginia Business & Industry Council
The Intelligencer Wheeling News-Register Editorial 
“If approved, perhaps this week, by both chambers, the [Tax Cuts and Jobs Act] would go to President Donald Trump for his signature. If that happens, it would be an early Christmas present for virtually all Americans … Lawmakers should approve the compromise bill. Americans deserve more jobs. We have earned tax relief for ourselves.” 
West Virginia Governor Jim Justice 
“President Trump is continuing to keep his promise to Americans to help grow our country by providing our average families with significant tax relief. By simplifying and streamlining the tax filing process it lifts a huge burden off of the middle class. Higher standard deductions and lower rates for businesses will also encourage economic growth and the creation of jobs. I urge our Congressional representatives to vote for this tax reform package so President Trump can sign it into law.”
West Virginia Oil Marketers & Grocers Association (OMEGA)
“This is critical and transformative legislation that will help state residents and businesses. The relief provided in the federal tax reform legislation will allow West Virginians to keep more of their hard earned money while providing businesses the opportunity to invest in their people and products. We appreciate the efforts of our leaders in Congress to bring this bill to fruition and look forward to its implementation in 2018.” – Traci Nelson, president of OMEGA
National Mining Association (NMA)
“The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act contains reforms that will drive job creation and retention in U.S. mining … Together, these pro-growth policies will stimulate investment that will lead to more good jobs for American workers, more affordable energy from the nation's world-leading coal supply and sustainable mineral production that we need for manufacturing, infrastructure improvements and new technologies.” – Hal Quinn, president and chief executive officer of NMA
West Virginia Senate President Mitch Carmichael
“For the first time in more than 30 years, the opportunity has arrived: We have a chance to deliver tax relief to millions of working families, create a fairer and simpler tax code for all Americans, and deliver significant tax relief to small businesses, which are truly the foundation of our economy … West Virginians stand to benefit tremendously from this tax relief.”
West Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Tim Armstead
“President Trump and leaders in Congress are working diligently on a massive rewrite of our federal tax code. It’s the most aggressive tax reform proposal we’ve seen since the Reagan administration, and it would have tremendous benefits for our state … Now I hope Congress will quickly move on [the president’s] plan to bring prosperity and hope to all sectors of our economy.”
Americans for Prosperity
“[Senator Capito’s] support means that West Virginians are one step closer to bigger paychecks, more jobs, and a truly historic chance at enhanced prosperity … Americans will see the many benefits of tax reform in their larger paychecks and in the ability of their neighbors and friends to better live out their version of the American dream.” – Jason Huffman, state director of the West Virginia chapter of Americans for Prosperity
With so many voicing their support for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the choice is clear: A vote for this pro-growth tax reform legislation is a vote for West Virginians. As Senator Capito said on the Senate floor last week:
“It’s time to seize this once-in-a-generation opportunity. It is time now to get tax reform across the finish line. And it is time to send this pro-growth legislation to President Trump’s desk. Families, workers and small businesses in West Virginia and across this country are counting on us.”


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