WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senators Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito, along with Representatives David McKinley, Alex Mooney and Evan Jenkins, sent a letter to President Obama to express their full support of Governor Tomblin’s request for additional federal assistance due to multiple severe storms that caused considerable damage to infrastructure, homes, personal property and businesses across West Virginia from April 3 through April 5, 2015.
Please read the full text of the letter below, or click here:
Dear Mr. President:
As members of the West Virginia Congressional Delegation, we write to support Governor Earl Ray Tomblin’s request for additional federal assistance due to the numerous severe storms that have caused significant damage to infrastructure, homes, personal property and businesses in West Virginia from April 3, 2015 through April 5, 2015.
As you may recall, in March 2015, intense rainfall contributed to sweeping floods, landslides, and mudslides throughout many West Virginia counties.  Following a Preliminary Damage Assessment conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Governor Tomblin rightfully requested federal assistance. At the Governor’s request, your administration granted expedient federal disaster aid for state and local governments within 32 counties in West Virginia, as well as private, non-profit organizations (FEMA-4210-DR-WV).
Our state was further impacted by substantial amounts of rain on April 3rd through April 5th. Once again, heavy rains contributed to flooding, causing additional damage to vital roads and infrastructure in Boone, Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mingo, and Wayne counties. To access federal disaster aid, West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin has made a request for a declaration of a major disaster for the State of West Virginia. This request was submitted May 3, 2015, under the provisions of Section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5121-5208 (Stafford Act).  We respectfully request that you review this request for Individual Assistance for Boone, Lincoln, Logan, and Wayne counties, and for Public Assistance for Boone, Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mingo and Wayne counties, and Hazard Mitigation for the entire state expeditiously, and give it every appropriate consideration.  We also ask that FEMA begin immediate discussions with the appropriate state officials in regard to Governor Tomblin’s urgent appeal.
We commend the tireless efforts that local citizens and first responders continue to put forth to aid our great state in the aftermath of such severe storms and damages, and we again urge you to continue to support us in our efforts to rebuild and recover with federal disaster assistance.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.